Chartered Accountant Monica Poletto

Chartered Accountant Monica Poletto

Graduated from University in Turin, she is a member of the professional association of Accountants under the jurisdiction of the Court of Turin; she is also a member of the Auditors’ Association. As a partner in the Firm Triberti Colombo & Associates she has gained significant experience in the field of consultancy for the non-profit sector. She is the author of manuals and articles on the tax aspects of non-profit entities.She has taught tax law within university masters relating to the third sector (Milan, Genoa, Pavia, Lecce).She supports projects aimed at job development in Argentina and Brazil.She coordinates the legislative team of the Third Sector Forum and is a member of the National Council of the Third Sector.

Milano, via Carducci 32
Ph +39 02 855.031
Fax +39 02 855.035.00